Hi, my name is Carson Benedetto
I'm the Developer you need.

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About me

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I'm a self-taught developer with a passion for creating and learning new things. I have experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Node.js. I'm always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer.

In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, reading, and spending time with my family. I also enjoy gardening and baking. I love watching new plants grow and being able to share my baked goods with friends and family. Some of my favorite games include Final Fantasy, Pax Dei, and Humankind.

I'm currently looking for new opportunities to work on exciting projects and expand my skillset. If you're interested in working with me, feel free to reach out!


Background Generator

This is a simple background generator that allows you to create a linear (left to right) gradient background. You can copy the CSS code for the gradient and use it in your projects.

See Live Source Code

Robo Friends

This is a simple React app that allows you to search for robots by name. The robots are generated from an API and displayed on the page. Additionally, the app fetches an array of users and attaches them to the robots. This simulates a real-world scenario where one might need to find someones contact information from a list of people.

See Live Source Code


Phone: (438) 890-3820
Email: carsonbenedetto@gmail.com

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